
The Link Between Your Diet and Skin's Health

November 12, 2019
By: Dermatology Consultants of Frisco

Though eating junk food isn't the single cause of acne breakouts, eating a healthier diet can help your skin look its very best. 

Healthy eating also aids in the prevention of skin cancer and other serious conditions. A balanced, nutrient-dense diet is an important way to get the most out of your skincare routine. Here are some food and beverage choices to keep your body's largest organ looking healthy.

Drink Water to Hydrate Your Skin

Drink water to give your skin a much-needed boost. Staying hydrated revitalizes skin cells. Over time, this can help downplay the appearance of creases and wrinkles. Also, increasing your water consumption helps replace the moisture your skin and organs use up throughout the day.

As a bonus, because it's calorie-free, water is usually the go-to drink for anyone trying to achieve a calorie deficit. Eating fewer calories may lead to lower skin oil production and thus, fewer breakouts.

Look for Foods on the Lower End of the Glycemic Index

Eating foods with a lower GI value promotes a faster metabolism. This index measures the speed at which certain foods cause your blood sugar to rise or fall. Foods are given a value-based 0 to 100 based on their glucose content and how they affect blood sugar. Pure glucose has the max value of 100, and ratings of 55 or less are considered low.

High blood sugar levels are toxic to your organs, especially your skin. So, a low-GI diet promotes efficient skin and organ function. In fact, making the switch won’t even be difficult. There are many low-GI fruits (plums, cherries, peaches), vegetables (lettuce, tomatoes, broccoli) and legumes (lentils, split peas) to choose from. There are also whole-grain cereals and bread as well. Low- or zero-carb foods such as meat, seafood and nuts are also great choices.

Eat Foods High in Omega-3 Fats

When you eat foods rich in omega-3 fats, your skin produces more collagen. This protein improves the skin's elasticity, its healing ability and helps diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The following foods are packed with omega-3s:

  • Fish
  • Walnuts
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Shellfish
  • Tofu

Ramp Up Your Zinc & Vitamin A Intake

Zinc and vitamin A help prevent acne. Lean meat, shellfish, legumes, nuts and seeds are stellar sources of zinc. The mineral is essential to enzyme production, immune processes and cell repair Consuming more zinc may help with inflammation and lesion recovery time.

Vitamin A helps your skin renew itself and prevents acne-causing proteins from getting trapped in your pores. Foods like liver, salmon and mangoes deliver a solid dose of vitamin A. Increase your intake of this vitamin for healthier skin, hair and nails.

Eat Foods That Help Soothe Irritated Skin

If your skin is dry and irritated, boosts of vitamin C and E could better complexion. During dry winter weather, eating foods rich in Vitamins C & E and applying products rich in either vitamin are great ways to soothe and calm flaky skin.

To get more vitamin C, eat foods like kiwis, red peppers and guavas. Eating whole fruits and vegetables are preferable to juicing, which removes all the fiber. For more vitamin E, reach for sunflower seeds, pine nuts, almonds and avocados.

Avoid Hormone-Laden Food and Alcohol

For many people, hormone-laden foods can exacerbate acne and other skin conditions. Read labels carefully and look out for artificial growth hormones in your meats and dairy products.

Alcohol can cause inflammation and increase your susceptibility to certain skin cancers, such as melanoma. It is also a diuretic and can leave you feeling dehydrated. Thus, for better skin health, we recommend limiting your alcohol consumption and staying well hydrated.

Contact Us Today

Contact Dermatology Consultants of Frisco and Precision Dermatology today to book an appointment for a skincare consultation and learn about your treatment options. We are committed to your skin health and helping you look your best.