
How to Handle Blackheads

August 28, 2019
By: Dermatology Consultants of Frisco

Blackheads are those small, black dots on your skin.

You hate the way they look and wonder why they are there. If you have them, there are over-the-counter treatments available that can help to remove them, but it's also a good idea to turn to a dermatologist to ensure your skin is as healthy as it can be.

What Are Blackheads?

Blackheads occur when trapped oil and dead skin cells oxidize. When that mixture sits in your pores for an extended period of time, a blackhead forms. The blackhead is a type of plug that stays wedged in a pore on your skin. Oil and dead skin cells build up underneath the plug, causing it to swell.

When a plug pushes up towards the surface of the skin, a whitehead occurs. Whiteheads are also closed comedones - blackheads are closed comedones. When the skin around the pore opens up, and air gets into it, this creates the blackhead. The oxidation of the oil causes it to turn black or, in some cases, gray.

Why Do Blackheads Form?

Blackheads develop for the same reason most other types of skin problems occur. There is a buildup of sebum, or oil, in the pores of the skin. If you have an oily type of skin, you are more likely to have blackheads than those who have dry skin. Genetics is often the underlying cause of having oily skin like this.

However, in some cases, blackheads occur more readily when there is an overproduction of oil due to a hormone imbalance. When hormone levels change in the body, such as during puberty or pregnancy, this can happen more often.

How Do You Handle Blackheads?

It is best not to squeeze a blackhead to remove the plug. In some cases, this can push the plug deeper into your pore, creating a higher risk of inflammation and infection. More so, popping pimples like this on your own can create permanent scars. The better option is to see a dermatologist if the problem is severe. We can offer a wide range of medications to soothe this type of inflammation.

If you are not at that point of having severe acne problems, it is possible to treat them at home. Like with any acne treatment, your goal should be to help your pores breathe. One of the reasons a dermatologist can see blackheads is because they cause the hair follicle to dilate.

Your acne treatment for blackheads should be twofold. First, work to exfoliate the skin. This will help to pull material out of the pores that should not be there. It is also important to moisturize your skin. This can help to ensure the pores can breathe.

Schedule a Consultation With a Dermatologist

If you need to find a dermatologist to help with blackheads, rely on Dermatology Consultants of Frisco. Call us now to schedule an appointment.