
5 Common Reasons to See a Dermatologist

September 7, 2018
By: Dermatology Consultants of Frisco

A dermatologist is a medical doctor who specializes in evaluation and management of conditions affecting the skin, hair, nails, and the lining within the mouth, nose, and eyelids-mucus membrane.

It is highly recommended to visit a dermatologist at least once every year for signs of skin cancer checkup and other skin related diseases, and at least every six months if you have a history of genetic predisposition or that of skin cancer. Below are some of the main reasons why you should make an effort to see a dermatologist for at least once a year:


It is the most common skin condition that dermatologist deals with on a daily basis. It involves skin oil glands and affects three in every four individuals aged 11 to 29. Acne is unpleasant, and inflammatory skin condition, which causes pimples and dark spots on your face, shoulders, neck, and on your back. When the pimples heal, they leave scars on your skin that are hard to get rid of. It is advisable to visit a doctor for treatment immediately after the pimples start showing up. Depending on the severity and persistence of the condition a dermatologist can diagnose the specific type of acne and formulate a better treatment plan to reduce the visual appearance of acne scarring. Commonly known risk factors include genetics, humid and hot climates, menstrual cycles, and stress.

Skin Cancer

Visit a dermatologist for professional skin cancer screening since its early detection is crucial for successful treatment. The doctor removes some suspicious tissues on your skin and conducts a test under a microscope to see if there are any cancerous cells. In case of a positive result, the dermatologist puts you under treatment plan and therapy sessions.


Rosacea starts as a facial redness that may resemble a sunburn or unexplained blush on the cheeks, nose, or chin that comes and goes. As time passes by, the color deepens and becomes reddish in appearance. Eventually, visible blood vessels may start appearing. Without adequate treatment, bumps, and pimples may start to develop, worsening over time. In extreme cases, the nose may become swollen, deformed, and enlarged. Rosacea is a chronic disease and often becomes a permanent condition if it is not treated early. You are therefore advised to make sure you see a doctor for proper medication, laser therapy, lifestyle changes guidelines and photodynamic therapy, which helps to control it. The doctor may evaluate the stage of your condition and provide a management program that will work best for you. The plan may include a combination of skincare products, triggers to avoid, prescription medications, and laser treatments.


Aged skin and skin exposed to the UVA and UVB rays are often affected by discoloration spots, brown or age spots, which are also known as pigmentation. Many people seek help from a dermatologist to assist them clear-up these unfavorable spots. The doctor may recommend some treatments that include chemical peels, laser therapy, and active skincare


This is an unpleasant itchy and painful skin disorder that stems from a problem with your immune system. Your skin cells form quickly and build on the surface of your skin forming 'plagues' in severe cases, they can be thick, red, and have silvery scales. Visit a doctor to get recommendations for effective creams or oral medication, injections, which will help in suppressing the over-reactive immune system.

The experts at Dermatology Consultants of Frisco are specially trained to treat skin conditions no matter how severe. We'll also recommend a daily skincare routine to help you achieve a younger, healthier and more vibrant appearance. Contact us today at 972-335-2727 to schedule your consultation.